Once you are at its official website, by default there are actually some recommended programs or applications such as Adobe Reader, Mozilla Firefox, Skype and etc that users can simply grab by clicking on ‘Get Installer’ button. However, most of the time it may not fit you well and that is how the simply tick and choose feature is there for full customization. While users can start deselecting those default programs by un-ticking certain programs in the recommended lists, there are also a huge lists of programs available for selection. And to simplify the selection, those programs are properly grouped into categories namely Browsers, Communications, Anti-Virus & Firewall, System Utilities, Office Software, Audio & Video, Imaging, CD & DVD Tools, Desktop Enhancement and even Benchmarking Tool and many more.
After all desired programs are selected, click on Get Installer will compile a tiny installer that will run on your system for auto installation. By now, you will notice summary of all the programs installation with status and total size for each. Currently FreeApp is currently in Beta 1.0 version so you may experience some issue but nevertheless, it is open and free for use here to simplify the programs installation in Windows PC.